Clarity: Key to your Transformation (Part 1)

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  • 26 January, 2016

A large part of my work revolves around hypnotherapy and interventions, to guide my clients through obstacles and difficult patches in their lives.

Lately, I have been thinking of a more proactive way to address such issues of the mind. It’s like “teaching people how to fish”. I sincerely believe that people serious about improving their lives will be willing practise this skill – the skill of attaining Clarity.

My clients who have achieved that insight were amazed by the benefits it brought. They reported feeling a newfound power and confidence at their own abilities, and better relationships with their loved ones. In short, their dreams were unfolding before their very eyes, and boy were they excited about it!

Clarity is going to be the key to your personal transformation and I guarantee you will feel changed from inside out. More importantly, by gaining Clarity, you can get out of the hamster wheel of life.

Here are 2 simple exercises to do right now, and you may wish to view the accompanying video before starting the exercises:

  1. How good are you feeling in all aspects of your life? Are you totally satisfied or feel that you have some issues? Here are some areas to get you started, but you have to be brutally honest with yourself here!
    1. Health
    2. Relationships (Family/significant other/colleagues)
    3. Work role
  1. Write out your obsessive thoughts. What is the first thing that you think about when you wake up? Or when you have a private moment to yourself in the bathroom?

In my next post, I will share in greater detail about why asking yourself these 2 questions matter.

Your Clarity Messenger,

Nancy Ho

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